![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Transplants 1976-1979 The Transplants were founded by Jordan sometime in the winter 1976/spring 1977.Originally the band was called The Plants.The name was changed to The Transplants because of the many people who joined and then quit cause they didn't want to play Punk Music.At first Jordan's boyhood friend John Dineen played Drums.He then recruited Steven Foster (now deceased)and a few other guys to do a Punk Band.At one time the drummer of the Boston Punk band "Tracks"Wild Johnny tried out for guitar.Different friends played and left until the Marblehead version.There joining him were 2 High School friends,"Dan MaCormack on guitar and Mark Hussey on bass".Dan wrote nearly all of the music for the band and Jordan wrote the lyrics.In 1973 they had jammed together in High School.The drummer was Paul Lacritz who lived on the next street.When Jordan did a paper route (at the age of 12) Paul let him watch him jam with his old bands.He was glad to bring him on board.A tape was recorded with this line-up in Lynn,Massachusetts at our old loft space.Overdubs and mixing was at Jordan's parents home. Sensing it was time to move on to new and maybe better music Jordan sought to create something that was different from the Disco and Pop Dinosaur Rock which spewed forth from almost every Radio Station.Jordan discovered Punk when tuning in to the Deme Monde in 1976.The radio was playing Blue Cheer and then more cool music.Jordan became a follower hearing Iggy,Blue Cheer,MC5,and other garage hard rock 60's bands.The new music from Boston and other places was great.Jordan began to write his own Punk Tunes in the late months of 1976.At this time he was the only Punk north of Boston, Massachusetts.In all the suburbs there was not a Punk to be seen.People would laugh at his appearance and call him crude names.This only fueled the anger to create new music hated by the normals.There is a tape (made late 1976-early 1977) with Jordan and his friend Wayne playing tunes and some of these were done later by The Transplants.The Transplants were formed in the old rockin rebelious tradition.The Deadboys,Ramones, and others were playing live in Boston.Jordan turned Dan and Mark onto the New Music and they also saw the chance to do something new too. After going through many drummers(who would quit when the Band was close to playing out) Roger Tripp the drummer of LaPeste agreed to join.Then the band practised at the Chauncey Street Loft of LaPeste and made a Home Studio Demo.Live shows followed.The 2 clips you can watch were filmed at the BFVF in Boston 6/79.This was at the ,"Creeper Film Benefit", a money raising event to complete the film that many of the local rockers had parts in.There are 3 audio tapes which survived over the years.The Paul Lacritz sessions,The Roger Tripp sessions,and 2 live sets from The Space.there is one video tape with 3 songs from that BFVF show.A full length vinyl LP is being released by Rave Up Records.Audio Restoration and Mastering is being done now on the surviving Transplants Audio Tapes.This project is finished and the LP is out and available for order.Also Dionysus Records has put out a full length LP which includes over 30 minutes more material than the first LP.
BRAND NEW 2014 Project......REEL TO REEL HD AUDIO !!!
I have located some of the original reels which were the recordings of The Transplants.I am working on those old 4 Track Tapes now.The ASlbum and the CD which came out had been sourced with some old safety copies not the original reels.Some reels were found and two of them contain tunes used on the official releases.Now I am going to restore those reels and put them here for any to grab and share. Here is your first free reel to reel.This session was done on 4 Track Tape with Roger Tripp of LaPeste playing drums and doing backing vocals.Reel to reel was recorded at the old LaPeste Loft on Chauncey Street , Boston, Mass April - May 1979 I am doing this in two formats for you and both are in FLAC FORMAT.You will have the choice of grabbing a 16bit/44.1k FLAC for CD or the high definition 24bit /96k FLAC for better sound.I suggest grabbing the HD Audio and listening thru big speaker system.Audio is all properly tagged w/info and cover art.Folder includes more info and various images plus tech info.Right click on link and save to your device.Archive is a ZIPFILE. All the Tape Reels are being mixed by Jordan Kratz 2014.Using M-Audio Profire 2626 with Merging Technologies Pyramix.Also using a bunch of other gear to restore these reels. HERE: Transplants direct from 4 Track Reeel from May 1979 at the LaPeste Loft with Roger Tripp (drummer of LaPeste) druming and doing backing vocals.Recording was done by Dave "Hardkorps" Koehler, Mark Mayhem, and Jordan Kratz The Transplants 5/79 LaPeste Loft Recordings at 16bit/ 44.1k FLAC Here The Transplants 5/79 LaPeste Loft Recordings at HD Audio 24bit/ 96k FLAC Here
And here we have a brandnew thing I have done.Basically I took a reel which was labeled Rhythm Tracks May 1979 and I took the above reel for the May 1979 DIY Studio Project and married the two together like this: Track 1 - Left Drums, Track 2 - Right Drums, Track 3 - Rhythm Guitar,Track 4 - Bass,Track 5 - Lead/Rhythm Overdub, Track 6 - Vocals. The two tapes were running at slightly different speed and not timecoded so this has been 4-6 weeks of work to sync together.Should be done now and it sounds really good.I hear everything from kick drum to the crispy cymbals. HERE: The New 6 Track Expanded Re-Mix for the DIY Studio PRoject with Roger Tripp at the LaPeste Loft May 1979. The Expanded 6 Track Remix at HD 24bit/ 96k FLAC Here 6-Track Part 1 6-Track Part 2 The Expanded 6 Track Remix at HD 16bit/ 44.1k FLAC Here
HERE: The Transplants from 4 Track Reel with Roger Tripp playing live at The Space, Batterymarch Street, Boston,Mass in June of 1979.Recording was done by Dave "Hardkorps" Koehler The Transplants Live at the Space June 1979 HD Audio 24bit/96k FLAC here The Transplants Live at the Space at 16bit/ 44.1k FLAC here
The next three reels I found are with Paul Lacritz on Drums.These were recorded and mixed in a few places.Rhythm Tracks (drums,bass,rhythymguitar) were recorded around Sept. - Nov.1978 in the old Lynn Loft which we were evicted from by the end of November.Eviction notice is included in the 3 reels as a jpg image. The Vocals and lead guitar were done at my Parent's home in Marblehead by the Middle of December 1978. Then various mixes and minor things were done at my old Aprtment in Marblehead which I shared with Dan and Dave "Hardkorps" Koehler.All three of these are now restored and remixed by Jordan 2014. The Recordings were all done by Dave "HardKorps" Koehler with his TEAC 4 Track.Mark and Jordan did some recording and assistance but Dave deserves the greater credit for helping us, donating his gear, and being a great friend.RIP Dave and RIP Roger and RIP Marky...............3 awesome old friends of mine I really miss. The Transplants Live at the Lynn Loft and Marblehead Fall to Dec.1978 HD Audio 24bit/96k FLAC here The Transplants Live at the Lynn Loft and Marblehead Fall to Dec.1978 at 16bit/ 44.1k FLAC here
The Transplants Live at the Lynn Loft and Marblehead Fall 1978 to Jan.1979 at 16bit/ 44.1k FLAC here
The Transplants Live at the Lynn Loft and Marblehead Jan-Mar.1979 HD Audio 24bit/96k FLAC here
Brand New is this High Resolution 24BIT/96K Transfers.The Full Album "Vegetable Stew" is now here straight off my professional Audio Gear.Download the whole package or individual Songs.All Audio was done off my surviving Safe Copy Tapes and imported at 24bit/192k for the best possible Audio. Here is the full Album you can download.It is in 3 parts so download the 3 and open the Archive.Right click stuff and save to your drive.This is HD Audio 24bit / 96k FLAC
Click here to see a Transplants Flyer from 1978 The Space in Boston
Dan McCormack Mark Hussey
Jordan Kratz Roger Tripp
Real/Audio Live Video Clip 2 Songs from The Creeper Film Benefit Police State and I've Had My Fill Live Real A/V
MP3's From Fall 1978 These were recorded in Lynn,Mass. and at my folks home.Paul Lacritz was the Drummer in this earlier line-up. It's your Own Fault (Alt.Take) These were recorded with Roger Tripp of LaPeste live at The Space or at the LaPeste Loft on Chauncey St. Boston 1979 And these have never been released.This is the first ever songwriting session I had.From the fall of 1976 and I remember I was tripping on LSD and Wayne Morris the Guitarist was drunk.We wrote what we called Punk Rock Songs.Suicidal Tendencies would be used and years later for The Lynn Rebels we usd F.B.I. as Wayne and John the drummer and I were all friends from the First Grade and the neighborhood.Enjoy these foolish and insane demos.All presented at 320k MP3 F.B.I. (Fat Bellied Ignoramuses)
If you are interested in the band tapes or CD-R's are available. News for Transplants Fans 1/10/02 Rave Up Records is going to put out a full vinyl LP of The Transplants.the project is under way now and the LP has been released and is available. A second LP is coming out on Dionysus Records Bacchus Archives.This LP was released May 2004 and is available thru Dionysus. We are also on a compilation of New England Punk Rock called "Shielded By Death Vol.3".
e-mail: jordan@bigmeathammer.com