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 Cedar Audio is one of the most respected companies in the world developing cutting edge tools for the restoration of audio.Gore Productions owns a CEDAR For Windows system with 3 real-time CEDAR Boards.

Removing crackle,clicks,hum,buzz,hiss,noiseless 512 band EQ,Azimuth Correction,Spectral Analizer and more all run in real time on the 3 hardware boards mounted in a special Windows 98 machine.The boards all have DSP chips which process the audio at 40 Bit Floating Point resolution all in real time.Each board is dedicated to running one process so 3 processes can be done per passthru.Audio is routed digitally Through a 24 BIT Firewire Audio Converter.This in turn is sent into a Windows XP machine recording clean audio to internal UWSCSI320 hard drives.All audio is passed thru at 48k 24 Bit resolution on home made or expensive cabling giving a noise free signal pathway.Cleaning up dialog tracks and other tracks for film is a breeze with CEDAR.Some problem noises we have dealt with are camera noise,background noise,and electrical problem noises.Restoring old records for audiophiles can be done as CEDAR will remove surface crackle,buzz,and even clicks.CEDAR will clean up a band's studio tracks or live performances.We can fix a single or more tracks in your studio multi-track project.Hums,buzzes,amp noises,etc can be removed without damaging the source material.Call up at 780-0193 for more info.I give special rates out to any artist of any genre.If you are interested in purchasing a system you can  always visit INDEPENDENT AUDIO who are the CEDAR dealers.You can also visit the Cedar Audio Website for more information on the gear they make.Some really cool audio gear to look at.

Here is a detailed technical  information on the different modules I am currently using to restore your audio.


Powered by up to eight of CEDAR's dedicated ProDSP cards, CEDAR for Windows allows you to run up to eight stereo processes, or restore up to 16 channels of audio simultaneously in real-time. With the widest range of audio restoration tools available, CEDAR for Windows is ideal for multitrack restoration for DVD and surround, as well as for CD remastering, soundtrack restoration, and forensic audio investigation.

                           DECLICK FOR WINDOWS

Scratches and clicks are encountered on all audio media - film, tape or disk, whether analogue or digital - so this process is invaluable when dealing with master tapes, film soundtracks, and videos as well as vintage recordings.

Declick will remove up to 2500 scratches and clicks per channel per second. Developed in association with Cambridge University, CEDAR's advanced algorithms clearly differentiate between the degradation and the genuine signal, allowing transparent restoration of even the most severely damaged material. Undamaged signal passes without any changes: there's no distortion, no loss of transients, and no loss of ambience.

                      DECRACKLE FOR WINDOWS

Conventional declick processes are unable to identify and eliminate low level crackle without eating into the genuine audio. But CEDAR's unique 'Split & Recombine' process accurately differentiates between the genuine signal and the problem, allowing transparent restoration of even the most severely damaged material.

Decrackle also removes buzzes such as those caused by faulty wiring and electrical interference, and reduces the unpleasant effects of many types of distortion. Undamaged signal passes without any changes: there is no distortion, no loss of transients, and no loss of ambience.

                    DE-HISS 2 FOR WINDOWS 

Optimised for broadband noise reduction, Dehiss2 takes the automatic noise reduction technology of CEDAR's award-winning Series 2 Dehissers even further. Its uniquely effective algorithms remove broadband noise without using signal destructive filters, without spectral fingerprints, and without encoding or decoding.

Because Dehiss2 dispenses with complicated audio engineering procedures, its simplified user-interface allows experts and non-expert users to obtain excellent results with the minimum time and effort spent. With just three dehiss controls and a learning curve of minutes, it's not only one of the most effective, it's also the simplest mastering-quality noise reduction package.


                   NR-3 MODULE FOR WINDOWS

NR-3 offers greater flexibility and better broadband noise removal than ever before. It incorporates CEDAR's unique perceptual models and noise profiling, both of which help the user to detect and eliminate more of the unwanted noise than can be removed using other methods, but with little or no effect on the genuine signal.

The process also allows you to define multiple noise reduction set-ups, and select between them in real-time (for processing scene changes), or progressively move between them to cope with changes in the noise content of the recording. With its 512-band Spectral Analyser, 512-node FIR Equaliser, and unique "Noise Free Equalisation", NR-3 will rescue recordings that just a few years ago would have been considered unusable. Noise Free Equalisation also ensures that dehissed material can retain all the brightness and ambience perceived in the original.

NR-3 is the preferred broadband noise reduction system for the world's most demanding CD mastering studios, post houses, TV companies, broadcasters, libraries and archives. It is also first choice for many of the world's top forensic audio laboratories.



Timing errors between the left and right channels of a stereo signal cause many problems including poor mono compatibility, poor stereo imaging, loss of high frequencies, and muddy bass response.

The solution is an audio restoration module that identifies the minute timing differences caused by azimuth (and other mechanical) errors, as well as by electronic faults in the signal chain. CEDAR's Phase/Time Corrector is that module: it will automatically identify and correct errors - without any user intervention - to an accuracy of 0.2 samples. It will then track any changes in the error, dynamically updating the amount of correction it applies at any given moment. In addition, a manual mode allows users to shift a signal by as little as 0.01 samples - an tiny offset of just 0.2 microseconds. This makes it possible to improve the frequency response and imaging of audio that can not be restored using EQs, dynamics processors, or any other audio processes.

The latest version of the Phase/Time Corrector incorporates a faster, more accurate Lissajous display, and an improved tracking algorithm that locks on to phase errors more quickly than ever before.

                        DE-BUZZ FOR WINDOWS

Before CEDAR developed Debuzz you could spend hours identifying all the harmonics contained within a buzz or a hum, and you could remove them by notching the signal... but only at the expense of irreparably damaging the genuine audio.

Debuzz is another world "first": a process that identifies the frequencies and amplitudes of the harmonics that constitute many forms of buzz and hum. Once it has detected a problem, Debuzz tracks changes in its spectrum, and removes it without damaging or changing the desired signal. Specifically developed for removing camera noise and power supply hum, this module has proved particularly useful in restoring location recordings, 'live' dialogue for broadcast, and for rescuing film and video soundtracks.

Debuzz is particularly suitable for use in forensic audio laboratories, where it will remove the motor noises that plague covert recordings, thus increasing listenability and assisting transcription.


                         D/EQ FOR WINDOWS

Unlike most other digital equalisers, D/EQ allows you to select the number of nodes in your curve - it does not limit you to a high-pass, a low-pass, and a handful of parametric EQs. Furthermore, D/EQ offers a remarkable frequency accuracy of 0.1Hz, and the parametric nodes offer a superb Q of 100 at 50Hz. The shelving filters are maximally flat in the pass-band and the stop-band, and offer roll-offs of up to 100dB/octave.

In the same way, D/EQ allows you to create custom dynamics processors using any combination of the following processor types: compressor, limiter, downward expander, and upward expander. This allows you to craft almost any dynamics response individually for each audio channel. Every processor has an independent threshold, ratio (where appropriate) and envelope, and an 'advance/delay' feature makes D/EQ more transparent than conventional devices or software.

D/EQ's accuracy and flexibility make it particularly well suited to mastering and forensic applications.



Unlike most analysers (which rely on FFT technology) the CEDAR Spectral Analyser is analogous to a bank of 1023 parametric EQs that can have their spacing and bandwidth tailored by the user. This gives you an unparalleled ability to 'zoom in' on the audio, applying all 1023 bands to as little as 20Hz for a superb 0.02Hz accuracy. The Analyser will also resolve spectral details that lie as close to each other as 0.2Hz, and is perfectly capable of picking out buzz and hum components that exist well below the signal power. (This resolution equates to a 'Q' of 100,000 at 20kHz.)

In contrast, an FFT analyser would require approximately 500,000 points to achieve the same resolution, and would introduce a delay of nearly 12 seconds into the audio. Since most FFT analysers on the market today use a maximum of 65,334 points, CEDAR offers greater resolution, higher accuracy and, most importantly, can be viewed in real time - important advantages when compared to any other product of its type.

Gore Productions Rates page is here for more information on our prices for services we do.