Foretold by
revelations, 666 years after the death of the bastard of Nazareth, three warriors
were born. Sworn to vengence, they began an unholy crusade and waged war upon humanity.
Many were the years spent upon that road to salvation. Many were the corpses left in their
wake. Upon acheiving the ultimate enlightenment they retired to a vast tomb in China,
bringing their legions of beserkers with them. Over untold years, their earthly bodies,
once full of might and warlust, shriveled and died. Before the moment of death, however,
each cut off his testicles and magically preserved their black seed in earthen vessels.

So it came to
be, one thousand years later, that the tomb was excavated after being stumbled upon by a
drunken wise man. The vessels were placed in a museum byn those ignorant of the horror
that lurked inside. They would not be there long. A peverse Carpathian countess stole the
demonic semen and in a long horrifying ritual of debauchery and violence, insemenated her
womb, forever damning this earth, the cosmos, and beyond. Reborn, the three ancient
warriors killed and ate the countess, regaining their savage bloodlust.
There are those who
speculate that some power, above or below, visited this curse on all mortals to remind
them of their humility. Others say these monsters are natures way of trimming the fat from
the earth. But for whatever reason, after years of gestation and training in the northern
woods, the three are again following the trail of destruction, bringing with them all the
hate and pain felt by man. Now hear these words, and be warned, for though you may not
have looked in their eyes yet, when you do it will be too late.
